Face to face instruction in a weekly class.
Tuesdays 6.30 - 7.30pm
St Gregory's Hut, Wigorn Road, Bearwood B67 5HQ
Covering a range of Qigong forms and practices.
Join a friendly and supportive class.
Warm up and create a more a relaxed and loose body.
Learn to co-ordinate body and mind.
Begin to sense and feel your own energy, developing awareness and intention.
£45 per month
Call or text 0779 1585 449​
Learn online in live classes
Explore and develop the skills and qualities necessary for beginners and beyond.
8.00pm - 9.00pm Online
Working with Soaring Crane and other Qigong forms ​
Beginning the week with an hour of mind and body being harmonised while developing appreciation of posture and relaxation.
10.30am​ - 11.30am Online
Working with standing meditations, Taiji Qigong and loosening the body.
Online Classes
Classes that build a strong foundation and beyond. Experienced and detailed tuition - take a look at our classes and contact Cloud Gate Tai Chi & Qigong to learn more.
Online classes are £9 per single session or Pay £45 per month and get access to all of our Qigong classes! Get in touch and get the link for classes today.
Cloud Gate Tai Chi & Qigong
Arts for body & mind
Physical balance, flexibility, suppleness, posture
Mental harmony, calmness, focus, awareness
Emotional health
Spiritual development through regular practice